Just looking for feedback from those that either own a KTM Freeride or have had one and decided it wasn't for them and got rid of it?
I'm a relatively inexperienced biker who's been riding with the North Wales group for around 7 months or so. I currently have a DRZ400 - which after a baptism of fire - i'm starting to get to grips and can now go out and actually enjoy a ride... However I still find the bike a bit tall for me when the going gets tough (5'7", with short legs it appears!) and it's very heavy/tiring after a long day...
I've been going through the learning curve most of you guys have probably already experienced - looking at 250cc lighter Enduro style bikes, WRF/CRF etc, reading the horror stories online about valves/pistons needing replacing after 40 hours etc etc blah blah blah...
I've had a run out on a WRF - and while the bike is great, I just didn't really get 'excited' about the bike. I'm also going to look at a CRF this weekend.
While doing all this digging I came across the Freeride - and i'm thinking this may well be the bike for me? Ignoring the microscopic fuel tank issue - it appears to be very capable with plenty of torque, and, more the size of bike I probably need while paddling up tricky lanes... I'm only interested in trail riding at present - i'm not looking for a racer or to take part in any enduros! The only other bike that is standing our at present is the 350/400 EXC-F but i think finding a fairly new one at the right price with low hours may be a challenge...
I'd appreciate the thoughts of those that have them or those that bought them and decided it wasn't for them, and why?
Any help will be apprecited.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
Thank you.