Well, my first proper outing on the 690 other than my local lanes was on the rocky entertainment around Machynlleth and Barmouth on Saturday and a more relaxed day in the borders towards Clun and Craven Arms from Churchstoke. This is the third visit so I knew what to expect and was able to compare it with my other trips there.
Awesome riding with a great bunch of mates but lacking in technical skill and bravery plus excess age means some of it was less than elegant on my part. Despite the weight of the 690, apart from lifting it back up a couple of times, I coped with it pretty well even though I accept a 250 would be so much lighter. I am trying to stay with one bike now and the welsh conditions are the exception, not the norm for me.
Some of it could be much better if it wasn't for the absolutely awful throttle response from shut to getting going. Nothing happens for the first lot of wrist movement and I kept stalling it (as I even have done on the road pulling away from a junction - I never had this problem with my 400 EXC or any other bike, for that matter). I have enough problems riding the technical stuff without keeping stalling the bike.
I have set the under-seat dial to Advanced and there seemed to be a slight (psychological?) improvement but that fluffy start makes low speed control hellishly difficult.
I have seen there have been posts about this all over tinternet but most are a little old now so there may be some new options.
The bike has an Akra but presume any remapping has been done by the previous owners and it seems that wouldn't be the cause of this problem anyway.
I don't want a quick action throttle as I'm not sure it would suit trail riding as it would become snatchy and there would be a loss of control but also I'm not sure it would actually help that initial horrid bit. Nor do I want a Rekluse both on cost grounds but also I don't think it would help the underlying problem.
Any help will be apprecited.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
Thank you.